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To further enhance the CustomOS we need a shell. A shell is literally the “shell” around the kernel that a user can interact with.

Since 2010 there is a new programming language called “Rust” that was developed by Mozilla Research. I’ll try to write the Shell for my CustomOS in Rust and share my experiences.

So far it’s been an hour on and off playing with Rust for a couple of days. Rust is new to me, but I’ve been devloping C/C++ applications for a long time. Let’s try to fill that graphics buffer from last time with code written in Rust.



In literature a shell is conceptionally often shown as:

In simple terms: the kernel speaks to the hardware, the shell speaks to the kernel. On Unix-based Systems users can interact with the shell on command-line terminals or run utilities, the software, to do so.

#ä# Tasks of a Shell

In order to do this a typical shell

and the text, or commands can be something along the lines of

and so on

Implementing Shells

Implementation-wise this means writing a lot of string-parsing code. Along the lines of

if (strncmp(command, "cat ", 4) == 0) {
  showDirectoryContents(command, params[0]);

Not particularly difficult, but tedious and error-prone due to many for loops and printf-family functions on ‘\0’ terminated char arrays.

It’s not that we’re building something safety critical, but format string bugs, buffer overflows and double free bugs are among the most common security flaws among C/C++ code to date.


Rust compiles using the same LLVM used underneath the Clang C/C++ compiler. It could be a good match to experiment with for writing the Shell for the Custom OS.

I’ve found developing complex code and going head first into the rabbit hole is the best way to learn a new language. That approach has a much steeper learning curve than following the safe path of online tutorials with cherry-picked examples where the langauge excels.

Red Herrings

I remember all to well the single-line Quicksort implementation in Haskell that was mentioned all over text books. Yes, it is Quicksort in one line. But in practice it’s highly inefficient compared to any .sort(..) function in any common language and completely unusable apart from marvelling at in academia.

qsort xs = concat [qsort [y | y <- tail xs, y < x] ++ x : qsort [y | y <- tail xs, y >= x] | x <- take 1 xs]

Hence I’ve found it’s much better to just try a langauge for something, see where it leads and ignore all cherry-picked examples of where a language may excel.

First Impressions

My first impression of Rust is that it’s

Why try

There’s a couple of reasons why Rust could be interesting for this task.


So how to approach this?

So far we have

To connect this to Rust we need to

And in order to approach this a little more softly, we can first

Displaying an Image Buffer with Rust

a first Hello World

We can install the Rust compiler with

sudo apt install Rustc

and compile a hello world

fn main() {
    println!("Hello World!");

Step 1, Rough start

To display an image buffer I came across the crate “eFrame” and tried to use it.

Installing Libraries

Looks like we need the cargo package manager

sudo apt install cargo

To install a crate it seems we need to have initialised the current working directory and it’s not “install”, but “cargo add”, so

cargo init
cargo add egui

Compiler Compatibility

Turns out “epaint v0.25.0” requires requires Rustc 1.72 and we have 1.70.

Looks like the Rust compiler breaks compatibility so quickly that Debian package maintainers can’t keep up.

And so we do have to install Rust the recommended way.

Non-Standard Installation

sudo apt remove Rustc
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Really unnerving to install software like that.

It installs to $HOME/.cargo/bin and adds aliases to .profile and .bash.rc as if /usr/bin didn’t exist.

Workspace Folder structure auto-moving

I had my code in the root directory. the cargo init seemed to have moved it in a wierd place.


It copied to and moved it to src/ automatically, but okay.

Dependency Hell

Try to add that crate now

cargo add eframe

It install 185 crates (!). x11rb, wayland, xkeysm, cpu features, miniz_oxide (a compression library), …

and still fails

egui::CtxRef, frame: &mut epi::Frame<'_>) {
   |                                      ^^^^^^ not found in `egui

example codes with wried include_bytes macro

In many examples online there is the include_bytes function.

let image_data = include_bytes!("rust-logo-256x256.png");

From my understanding it is a macro. So does that mean the image gets compiled into the executable uncompressed?

with evern more missing dependencies

use image::GenericImageView;
   |                 ^^^^^ use of undeclared crate or module `image`

more bloat

So we need the image library

cargo add image

That installes 294 fruther crates: jpeg-decoder, tiff, event-listener, zune-inflatem ….

I just want to display an image here!

and broken libs

13 |     fn update(&mut self, ctx: &egui::CtxRef, frame: &mut epi::Frame<'_>) {
   |                                      ^^^^^^ not found in `egui`

First Step Conclusion

Step 2, Promising Results

In the meantime I had researched some less bloated approaches

Different Libraries

Image and minifb seem to be far lighter and hence less error-prone.

MiniFB is actually a wrapper [1] around a C-Library minifb [2]. It is similar to the “rawdraw” library I have used.

It’s basically a plattform-abstraction to display an image buffer on various platforms (android, opengl, ios, macos, wayland, x11, windows, webassembly, …).

So let’s try that instead.

Install libraries

mkdir image-viewer
cd image-viewer/
cargo init
cargo add image
cargo add minifb

Installs 99 dependencies, but oh well.

Adapt the code

Adapted from examples

use minifb::{Key, Window, WindowOptions};

const WIDTH: usize = 640;
const HEIGHT: usize = 480;

fn main() {
    let mut buffer: Vec<u32> = vec![0; WIDTH * HEIGHT];

    let mut window = Window::new(
        "Test - ESC to exit",
    .unwrap_or_else(|e| {
        panic!("{}", e);


    while window.is_open() && !window.is_key_down(Key::Escape) {

        for (idx, val) in buffer.iter_mut().enumerate() {
            let _y = idx / WIDTH;
            let _x = idx % WIDTH;
            if 240 > _y && 320 > _x {
              *val = 0x00ffff; // top-left, aqua
            if 240 > _y && 320 < _x {
              *val = 0xff0000; // top-right, red
            if 240 < _y && 320 > _x {
              *val = 0x00ff00; // bottom-left, green
            if 240 < _y && 320 < _x {
              *val = 0x0000ff; // bottom-right, blue

            .update_with_buffer(&buffer, WIDTH, HEIGHT)

Pixel buffer shown on PC

cargo build


In Rust, if you want to modify a buffer, you need to set it “mut” (“mutable”):

for i in buffer.iter_mut() {
    *i = 0;

It’s possible to set hex values as in C/C++

*i = 0xff0000; // red
*i = 0x00ff00; // green
*i = 0x00ff00; // blue

There are C/C++ Idioms [3], Python Idioms [4]

Where in Python

for idx, val in enumerate(arr):

you can do

for (idx, val) in arr.iter().enumerate() {

In Rust, which is cool.

Wrapping C Libraries

I very briefly tried to wrap the “stb_truetype.h” single header library for TrueType-Font Rendering in Rust.

There is a guide for interoperability [5], but it seems a bit tedious.

It boils down to tagging structures #[repr(C)] to be C-Style memory aligned and extern "C" marking to make C functions accessible.

You can add a build.rswith something like

fn main() {

and cargo will run it during cargo build.

There’s a library for that

cargo add cc

Currently C++ can’t be wrapped effecively due to C++ name mangling.

Step 3, Filling the graphics buffer of our CustomOS from Rust

So we can show a raw image buffer on Linux and manipulate it.

Let’s see if we can get Rust to compile in a compatible way so we can link it to our CustomOS and use the code there.

First Try

extern "C" {
    pub fn graphicsUpdate(
        buffer: *mut cty::c_char,
        const u16 width,
        const u16 height
    pub fn keyboardInterrupt(
      const cty::c_char key,
      const u8 scancode

fn keyboardInterrupt(const cty::c_char key, const u8 scancode) {
fn graphicsUpdate(buffer: *mut cty::c_char, u16 width, u16 height) {
  for (idx, val) in buffer.iter_mut().enumerate() {
      let _y = idx / width;

Multiple things wrong with that

Smaller issues

so we install an additional C compatibility library:

cargo add cty


pub extern "C" fn <funktionsName>(...) {

C-Array needs conversion

buffer.iter_mut().enumerate() {
   |                            ^^^^^^^^ method not found in `*mut i8`

Need to convert it. Found [6], so something like

let v = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(buffer as *cty::c_char, data_len as usize) };

that requires an additional library

use std::{ptr, slice};
cargo add slice

and won’t work in our case as seen later.

How to cast

Rust warns about incompatible types, neat.

Convert from u16 to usize by


Later found it’s easier to use “as” to cast:

value as usize;

Unused variables need prefix

We are forced to add “_” to unused variables to avoid warnings.

No resulting library

To get an actual object-file we need to

cargo Rustc -- --emit=obj

Check resulting library

nm -D shell-4c2220a1b1ab0f5d.o 

doesn’t work, but

readelf -Ws --dyn-syms shell-4c2220a1b1ab0f5d.o
	89: 0000000000000000    15 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   40 keyboardInterrupt
	90: 0000000000000000   971 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   41 graphicsUpdate

Does, so our function did get exported to the library and is in global namespace.

Extend the Makefile

Cargo writes in a strange directory with a hash.

Quick hack in the makefile

shell/shell.o: shell/
	cd shell/ && cargo Rustc -- --emit=obj && cp target/debug/deps/shell-*.o shell.o

Incompatible Library

The resulting library was built for the default target which doesn’t match our CustomOS

file shell/shell.o 
shell/shell.o: ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), with debug_info, not stripped

We need 32-bit and release, like the object file from the graphics.c C-code.

file graphics/graphics.o 
graphics/graphics.o: ELF 32-bit LSB relocatable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped

Target Spec

Custom Target Spec Required

Tried the target

--target i686-unknown-linux-musl

But it expects a lot of missing symbols we haven’t/don’t want to implement in the CustomOS

Turns out you can define a “panic-strategy” in a custom target spec.

Check Spec

We can output the custom target spec like so

Rustc -Z unstable-options --target=i686-unknown-linux-musl --print target-spec-json
Custom Target Spec

Found post about a similar issue on the osdev forums [7].

Mixed both specs together to get

    "llvm-target": "i686-unknown-none-gnu",
    "data-layout": "e-m:e-p:32:32-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i128:128-f64:32:64-f80:32-n8:16:32-S128",
    "linker-flavor": "ld.lld",
    "linker": "Rust-lld",
    "pre-link-args": {
        "ld.lld": [
    "target-endian": "little",
    "target-pointer-width": "32",
    "target-c-int-width": "32",
    "arch": "x86",
    "os": "none",
    "features": "-mmx,-sse,+soft-float",
    "disable-redzone": true,
    "panic-strategy": "abort",
    "executables": true

We can build against it by

cargo Rustc --target i686-unknown-none-gnu.json --release -- --emit=obj

Need to rebuild standard libraries

Now we’re missing some standard libraries as they haven’t been built against our custom target spec

For this we add

-Z build-std

to the Rustc/cargo command-line. It automatically rebuilds the standard libs with the custom target spec.

In order to use that “-Z” command-line flag we need to switch to the nightly version of the rust compiler rustup default nightly.


Turns out in the library “slice” requires “restricted_std”

error[E0658]: use of unstable library feature 'restricted_std'

The slice library depends on memset that we don’t have globally implemented in an accessable way for Rust.

Tried all sorts of things


In the end I decided to just remove the library “slice” altogether.

Bloated libs

Often the libs are bloated and rely on libc or libmusl functions such as “memset”, “memcpy”, … or implementations from an even higher level of abstraction that may not be available on an embedded device or a very limited CustomOS like ours.

The only option is to not use them.

Not sure, but it seems Rust tries to compile all code at least once regardless of whether it is being used or winds up in the resulting binary?

Manipulating raw C-Array in Rust directly

Yes you can, at the expense of not being able to use language features that benefit Rust, but as the only option to avoid dependency bloat.

So if we can’t use slice and can’t convert the C-Array to mutable vec, can we at least manipulate the memory directly in an unsafe way?

You can with many caveats.

Issues on resource-constrainted embedded devices

In general with Rust on embedded devices I see some issues:

First working write to Custom OS graphics buffer from Rust

The following code

does work:

use core::ptr;

pub extern "C" fn keyboardInterrupt(_key: cty::c_char, _scancode: u8) { }
pub extern "C" fn graphicsUpdate(buffer: *mut cty::c_char, width: u16, height: u16) {
    unsafe { 
      for i in 1..2000 {
        ptr::write(buffer.wrapping_add(2*i), 6);

It’s build with the above mentioned target-spec


and the following line in the makefile

shell/shell.o: shell/
	cd shell/ && cargo Rustc --target i686-unknown-none-gnu.json -Z build-std --release -- --emit=obj && cp target/i686-unknown-none-gnu/release/deps/shell-*.o shell.o

The resulting shell.o object file can be directly linked to the excutable like a C-Library.

We can just call it from anywhere in C, since it’s in global namespace anyway

graphicsUpdate(VGA, screenWidth, screenHeight);

The results looks like this

Enhancing the code

We can implement memset in rust

pub unsafe extern fn memset(s: *mut u8, c: i32, n: usize) -> *mut u8 {
    let mut ii = 0;
    while ii < n {
        *s.offset(ii as isize) = c as u8;
        ii += 1;

and then the following code works

pub extern "C" fn graphicsUpdate(buffer: *mut cty::c_char, w: u16, h: u16) {
  for y in 0..h {
    for x in 0..w {
      let mut  v = 0;
      if h/2 >= y && w/2 >= x {
        v = 3; // top-left, cyan
      if h/2 >= y && w/2 <= x {
        v = 4; // top-right, red
      if h/2 <= y && w/2 >= x {
        v = 2; // bottom-left, green
      if h/2 <= y && w/2 <= x {
        v = 1; // bottom-right, blue

      unsafe { 
        ptr::write(buffer.wrapping_add(usize::from(x + y*w)), v);

With it the Custom OS shows


So how do I feel about Rust…


It’s funny how the complaint of the bloat of cargo cult programming [8] is often heard especially among embedded developers and here we have a language with a package manager called “cargo” that brands itself as suitable for embedded devices.

To me it has a web-developer feel to it and that fits the picture as it’s written by the manufacturer of a very slow and inefficient web browser - that I do use daily though.

Ironically the package manager that is one of Rusts greatest advantages is also its greatest weakness: it’s easy to just drag in additional crates and that behaviour causes the bloat: interface instability and compatibility issues, executable size, long compile times, wasteful resource handling, and so on.

Regarding the CustomOS…

But we’ll need to implement some functions Rust libraries depend upon to be able to use the langauge properly

Otherwise every miniscule change of the code written in Rust will trigger missing symbols errors
